This mid-year slump can be the perfect time to look for some extra motivation, and where better to find some, than from your very own coach?!

Here at NTSC, our coaches provide tailor-made support to enhance your practice. See below for some ways that hiring a personal instructional coach can help you level up as you round out the school year.

Co-create a classroom management plan: 

You know what Albert Einstein said about the definition of insanity? Yeah, doing the same old thing and expecting different results can get you there, fast. But, maybe you just don’t know any other way? Your NTSC coach can assist you in identifying key levers that will immediately have an impact on your students’ behavior. By using a combination of data collection and videotaped lessons, your coach can get a true sense of the challenges you and your students are facing and train you in best practices that will make a difference now.

Co-lesson plan: 

This is some of our favorite work here at NTSC. Nothing beats collaborating with an educator on taking her lesson plan from good to SPECTACULAR! Working together via Google docs, for example, can allow you and your coach to dissect a lesson plan in real time, design targeted questions, break down activities, differentiate to your varying learner needs, and select appropriate resources. This can especially come in handy when preparing for an announced formal evaluation!

Navigating professional relationships:  

I don’t know if there is another profession that requires more delicate interaction than teaching. There’s colleagues, administration, students, parents, and the community. The work we do is personal, and with that can come some awfully uncomfortable feelings. Traversing that bumpy terrain can be tough, especially if we’re uncomfortable with confrontation. Having a coach to check in with can allow you to filter through your emotions and select the most appropriate and professional path towards an amicable outcome.